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1. Proceed to and sign in with your npm account or create a new one 2. Click "Install" in the upper right corner of the screen 3. Click "Download - All Platforms (ZIP)" on the right-hand side of the screen 4. Unzip downloaded file 5. Run steam_api_setup_x64-master folder from steam api's download folder 6. Open the steam_api_setup_x64-master folder and double-click steam_api.dll file 7. Click "Y" on the dialog box that appears 8. If a UAC window opens, click Yes 9. Copy steam_api.dll to C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\bin or wherever your Steam is installed to finalize installation of steam api 10. Open Steam and see whether its working by opening a game and going to Tools - > Developer Options - > Enable Steam API 1114 downloads, 4.3 of 5 stars (12 votes) Download steam api from npm's website : https://www.npmjs. com/package/steam_api 1231 downloads, 5.0 of 5 stars (22 votes) addon page This plugin is an addon for the Open Source Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution game that allows you to see the items your character is carrying by pressing the keybind "A" when you are in your inventory. It also displays what map your character is on so that you do not have to go to the main menu every time you are running or fly. You can download this addon file from 639 downloads, 5. 0 of 5 stars (61 votes) steam api.dll is the only way your game can read steam api dat files on your PC. When you extract or extract any steam dat file, steam api will be lost. Even if you extract it manually. being able to download it manually is too much of an effort for some people here, so i'm uploading it here for easy access, even if some people do not need this. 1 downloads, 0 of 5 stars (0 votes) Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution & some others requires the Steam API DLL for communication with the Steam client to work properly on Windows, Mac and Linux machines. Our solution is to create a DLL file on each OS that will do the job on that OS. Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution needs the Steam API DLL file which can be downloaded from here: steam_api_dll_ 64bit To apply this DLL, simply extract it to your game's folder or system folders and you are done, systems such as Windows x64, Linux x64/x32 and MacOS X all work with this addon tool. cfa1e77820